Happy April! The Teaching Garden team has been busy moving soil and compost, but we always find a few moments to observe Spring blooming all around us. We are seeing buds on our fruit trees, signs of life in our perennial herbs, daffodils blooming, and hearing migratory birds return to Governors Island.

Additionally, we planted out some new strawberries and red and black raspberries in anticipation of a summer bounty. We like to add new strawberry plants to our beds every year to replace older plants that have stopped producing fruit.

Also this week we had our first student farmers visit the garden through DOE's STEM Discovery Day spring break programming. Students explored the signs of spring in the garden using their 5 senses, helped us prepare garden beds by sifting compost and adding it to the garden, planted peas, and created natural art projects inspired by their compost experience! Whew what a busy day in the garden!

Finally, we are potting up some plant starts and getting ready to start planting outdoors! Here are some kale plants that are almost ready to go outside. The last frost for NYC is in about 2 weeks, and we are excited to get some plants into the soil.